Qué debe hacer si lo hostiga un cobrador de deudas
Si a usted lo está hostigando un cobrador, lea este documento.
By: The National Consumer Law Center
Statewide Legal Services of Connecticut is open to serve you! Call our legal aid hotline: 1-800-453-3320. You can also apply for legal help online.
Statewide Legal Services has free advice for low-income people with legal problems in Connecticut.
You can find out more about legal problems and apply for help here.
Si a usted lo está hostigando un cobrador, lea este documento.
By: The National Consumer Law Center
El Buró de Competencia (Bureau of Competition) de la Comisión Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commission, FTC) aboga en favor de los derechos de los consumidores ejecutando y vigilando el cumplimiento de las reglas de una competencia libre y vigorosa.
Misión: Una vivienda digna, segura y salubre y un entorno de vivienda adecuado para cada norteamericano.
If you are facing eviction or losing your housing subsidy (such as Section 8), you may have the right to a free lawyer. Call 1-800-559-1565 or get more info at www.evictionhelpct.org.
Why apply online?
Find a legal aid office some place else in the United States or around the world.